Chapter Nine = Evil

I'm still struggling with the ninth chapter from All the King's Women. Nothing's happening!!!!! My h/H brood, brood, brood, eat, brood, brood, brood, brood. I want to delete the entire chapter or just pretend that everything's fine in it, but I know better. Ch. 9 shows the aftermath of my h/H's first love scene. I can do better than having my h/H brood.

Another thing I noticed as I revised — I used different spellings for the same thing. *sigh* Usually they're for words that do not exist in ours. So I made a vocab list in Excel and sorted it alphabetically. I haven't realized this until I put them on the paper (or on my trusty computer screen) but I have fifty-five world-specific terms.

2 comments to “Chapter Nine = Evil”

  1. May
    April 15th, 2009 at 2:29 am · Link

    That’s easy to fix.

    Send it to me!

  2. Nadia Lee
    April 15th, 2009 at 3:24 pm · Link

    I probably will in the next two weeks. But you do need to read Ch. 1-8 before you can read Ch. 9 because otherwise it won’t make any sense.

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