Archive for 'fast draft'

A Lightbulb Moment

status: I'm still jet-lagged and having a very nasty reaction to Oil of Olay Quench soap. This makes me sad since the soap does make my skin soft, but my arms and legs aren't happy. :(

I just had an epiphany about my WIP as I was fast-drafting. Some part of me knew I had all the right events in the draft so far, but another part of me knew something was totally messed up. I just didn't know exactly what.

Well, as I was working through another scene and another stilted and awkward interaction between my h/H, I realized that I had the dynamics between h/H all wrong. No wonder their romance is going nowhere more than eighty pages into the story.

Now I have to go back and toss out most of the story. Though it's going to be a lot of work to rewrite it, I'm totally excited now. Plus, I'm only on my first draft. Better now than later. :)

I :wub: my Muse.

Wanna Write a Book in 2 Weeks?

I'm planning to do fast draft for my WIP 1st draft. Basically this is how it works for those of you who've never done fast draft before.

You write 20 manuscript pages* a day for 14 days. That's it. That's your fast draft. (For the math-impaired, you'll end up with a 280 page manuscript, which is about 70k, assuming that each page has 250 words.)

I'm going to start on August 15 and giving myself an extra day since I'm flying to Asia during that time. Anyone interested?

If so, comment here or tweet me @nadialee. I'm going to post my progress, etc. using #writegoal and #fastdraft.

* I use Courier 12 double-spaced, 25 lines per page.