Archive for 'All the King’s Women'

NaNo2008: Day 2
word count page count
previously written 2,816 14
newly written 892 5
total 3,708 19

Not too shabby. I only wrote five pages, specifically because that's all I've been planning to do anyway.

How about you?

NaNo2008: Day 1
word count page count
previously written 0 0
newly written 2,816 14
total 2,816 14

Not too shabby, but I could've done better…

How's everyone doing? BTW — Is it me or is the official NaNo site just s-l-o-w?

Copyright Registration & NaNo

Devil FallsAs you know, Devil Falls is out. (Everyone, go buy a copy! ;) ) Samhain doesn't register copyright for the works it publishes, and so it was up to me to do it. And I did just now. It's very easy to do by going to and it only cost $35. (BTW — there's nothing fishy about Samhain not registering copyright for its authors. Samhain is a small press, and it doesn't have the kind of resources to do it for all the titles it publishes.)

Some may ask why I bothered. Or why I hadn't waited to see if it was worth it based on the sales data before I registered.

I did it for the same reason I got my Samhain contract reviewed by a literary attorney. This is business, and I wanted to do it right. There's a big difference between the kind of protection you can get by registering within three months of publication v. later (or not at all):

Registration within three months allows you to become eligible to receive statutory damages and legal costs and attorneys' fees from a copyright infringer.

…lots of other benefits that come with registration, like providing a public record of your copyright claim or that copyright registration is a prerequisite to bringing a copyright infringement suit. Sure, you can register your copyright later and then sue, but you'll end up paying a lot more to expedite the process since you'll want to immediately obtain an injunction against whoever is infringing your copyright.

Will I ever need the protection? I hope not, but you never know, and I prefer to have all my bases covered.

Now for more fun stuff….NANOWRIMO!!!!!

I'm planning to write 15 ms-formatted pages a day, five days out of a week, and write about 5 to 9 pages on the other two days. I think that's very reasonable.

So NaNo, here I come!

Glorious October and a Cute Hamster

Finally! After several days of endless rain, we have beautiful sunny weather! Yay to October!

I started working on the outline for All the King's Women. I wasn't going to do one, but I realized that maybe I should, esp. since it's nothing like I've ever written before (historical fantasy romance). I spent most of the day filling out character sketches. Tomorrow, I'll be working on the basic setting info sheets.

BTW — Hero Material found this on the Internet. Very cute. No animals were harmed in it, I don't think.