Archive for 'contest'

Kindle Contest! (Open to Anyone Anywhere in the World)

Fellow Samhain writers and I are hosting a Kindle contest, with our editor coordinating the effort. (FYI – I write contemporary romance under another name, Angelle Trieste.)

Prize? A Kindle (duh *wink*) preloaded with books from participating authors.

The contest is open to anyone anywhere in the world. So even if you're not in the States, come on and join us!

Here's the official statement on the contest website:

I wanted to make it convenient for people and make it easier for people to participate, soooo…. we will not be doing the contest on Saturdays and Sundays, and we will not being doing the contest on Thanksgiving (US), or Black Friday (the day after US Thanksgiving). Monday through Fridays only. :) I think not doing it on the weekends is a given this time of year…we all have a lot of holiday things going on, like parties and shopping. Woo hoo!

Now, remember, in order to participate, you'll have to post a relevant comment (No, ‘Hi! That's great.', etc.), and you'll have to answer the scavenger hunt question. Do not post your answer in the comments! There will be a link to a form to answer the scavenger hunt question and to give me your name and address. After all, I'll need to know where to ship the preloaded Kindle, right? Posting you answer in the comments will cause the comment to be deleted and the commenter to be disqualified. Not just from that day, but from the entire contest. So, yeah, you don't want to do that. :)

So here's the schedule:

November 16 :: Leslie Dicken
November 17 :: Nicole Austin
November 18 :: Denise Belinda McDonald
November 19 :: Avery Beck
November 20 :: P.G. Forte
November 23 :: Kelly Jamieson
November 24 :: Angelle Trieste (me!)
November 25 :: Dawn Brown
November 30 :: J.K. Coi
December 1 :: Cheryel Hutton
December 2 :: Rita Oberlies
December 3 :: Kate Johnson
December 4 :: Leah Braemel
December 7 :: Deidre Knight
December 8 :: Cooper Davis
December 9 :: Kimberly Nee
December 10 :: Joely Sue Burkhart
December 11 :: T.A. Chase
December 14 :: Samantha Sommersby

You only need to answer one scavenger question to enter. The more you answer, the more chances you get. So don't be shy! Participate for your chance to win a Kindle! The website is

Good luck!

AJ Chase Contest Winner…


Stacey Smith! (Comment #9)

Congratulations! Please check your email for info on how to claim your prize.

Guest Blog Post & Contest: What Kind of Shifter Would You Be? by AJ Chase

Today I have a special guest. Please welcome AJ Chase! :) Her paranormal romance debut featuring shifters Cat and Mouse is out now.

Cat and Mouse

CAT AND MOUSE by AJ ChaseFor Katherine Stapleton (aka Kitty), being a shape-shifter isn't nearly as glamorous as the novels and movies make it out to be. It isn't all raw, animalistic sex and superhuman physical prowess. There's also the hairballs.

Kitty has spent her entire life being a less-than-perfect were-cat. She can't control her animal changes, so she decides to excel at matters human. After a decade of worldly successes, she's back home for her ten-year high school reunion. Yet, she feels just as insignificant as she did back in school — except with Sam Philmore, a fellow D.C. lawyer and past classmate. And her former secret crush. In just three days Kitty gets the bad memories, the good times, the bitter truth, and a mouthful of one very sexy man who just happens to be a mouse sometimes…

Now…here's our guest! AJ has generously offered to give a copy of Cat and Mouse to one lucky commenter! Answer her question at the end for your chance to win! The giveaway is open to everyone regardless of their location. The drawing ends midnight October 29th (US ET).

In my book Cat and Mouse, released October 20th from Freya's Bower, my hero and heroine are both shifters. But they aren't the cool or glamorous kind. Since the name of the book is Cat and Mouse, I guess I won't be revealing much in saying that one is a cat and the other a mouse.

The heroine mentions early on in the book that she knows some were-lizards, were-turtles and were-otters (they just lie on their backs and do cute little things with their hands.) So if you were capable of changing into an animal and all the super cool options given to us by books and movies were unavailable, what sort of shifter would you be?

Lets say, for the sake of this exercise, that you also can't chose cat or mouse, because lets give the hero and heroine their moment in the were-sun. I think, if pressed, I would choose to be a were-fox. I'd like to tell you there's some deep, significant reason for this. But the truth is I just think foxes are cool. And female foxes are called vixens. How fantastic is that for a moniker? Rock on, little vixen. Rock on.

I also think it might be kind of fun to be a were-monkey. You could take a break from a hard day at the office by flinging yourself around off the ceiling and throwing crap at people. Slightly gross yes, but I bet it would be immensely more satisfying then lodging a formal complaint with the proper authorities.

Just for the sake of doing things in threes, it might be a lot of fun to be a were-parrot. You sit on people, eat with impunity because people keep shoving crackers in your mouth and no one would ever hold you responsible for anything you say. Don't blame me. I'm a parrot.

So what about you? What sort of under rated animal would you change into? Personally, I also wouldn’t mind being this thing.

I look forward to hearing your answers and you can find Cat and Mouse here.