Archive for 'Devil Falls'

Interview with Damien Kirk Part 1

To kick off the month of October and the release of my first contemporary romance from Samhain, I’m doing a four-post series on Devil Falls. There’s a chance to win a free copy of Devil Falls each week, so tune in. :)

Devil FallsGenre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-220-X
Length: Category
Release Date: October 28, 2008
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, LTD

Read It Buy It Extras

All he wants is silence. All she wants are answers.

Damien Kirk was once a world-renowned cellist, celebrated across five continents for his musical gift. Now he lives in self-imposed isolation on a small Caribbean island.

Biography writer Victoria Benedict is looking for a story…and she’s not the type to take no for an answer. Her appearance on his doorstep shatters his reclusive existence.

Determined to be rid of her, Damien demands a quid pro quo: a kiss for each answer to her interview questions. Her response is as arousing as it is unexpected. As Damien and Victoria escalate their sensual game of cat and mouse, Victoria discovers the passionate soul underneath Damien’s cold exterior…and a shocking story of secrets and betrayal.

Warning: This title contains the following: sex, scorching kisses, killer breakfasts, a hot tropical island and a happily ever after.

Interview with Damien Part 1

Honestly I had no idea what to expect when Miranda (Damien’s manager) said Damien would see me for a quick interview. You gotta wonder about a guy who goes missing for months after a ghastly scandal. Not that there’s anything wrong with scandals, mind you. After all, don’t we all love good gossip?

So here I am, blindfolded and led by a couple of people — men I think. Beads of sweat pop out on my skin at the briny smell of ocean and the piercing screeches of seagulls. Thank God Damien is a musician, not a mob boss.

Someone pushes me into a car, and we drive for a while. The road is apparently unpaved. The car stops and we get out and walk over uneven ground for a good ten minutes. I hear what sounds like a waterfall in the distance. Finally we enter a house. My blindfold disappears and I see a pair of Dobermans. Great. I’m afraid of dogs, especially big ones. They merely glare at me, and I thank my lucky stars they are leashed.

A big-boned woman who reminds me of a boarding school headmistress is standing in front of me.

Me: Hi! I’m Angelle. I think Damien’s expecting me.

Woman (speaks with a subtle accent…I can’t quite place it): I’m sorry, but there’s been some misunderstanding. You have to go back.

Me: What?

Woman: Mr. Kirk isn’t feeling well, and he’s not—

Me: (thinking “yeah right”) DAMIEN!!!!!! DAMIEN!!!!!!!!!!!

My loud voice startles the dogs and they start barking.

Woman: Stop that right now! You horrible American!

Me (ignoring her): DAMIEN!!!!!!! I know you’re here!!!!!!!

I guess I screamed loudly enough. Finally the man appears. Damn. He’s hot. It’s like a pure concentration of male hotness. If it weren’t for my boyfriend, I’d jump him.

Damien: Amadeus, Ludwig, silence!

The dogs immediately quiet down.

Damien: So. You’re the bottom-feeding writer Miranda told me about.

Me: You should show some respect here. I’m your creator, and I can make you ugly if I want.

Damien (lifts an eyebrow): Do let me know when a publisher starts a Quasimodo romance line.

Me (choking in outrage)

Damien: Well? I haven’t got all day. Ask your question and get out.

Me: What really happened on the night your—

Damien: Next question.

Me: Wait! I haven’t finished—

Damien: Yes you have. Next.

Me: Why are you so insufferable?

Damien: Because I can be. (Smiles nastily) You’re my creator. Surely you know.

Me: No. I prefer to create and deal with pleasant people.

Damien: Well, you have me instead. Of course, you can always leave and deal with Miranda if you prefer. She handles the “pleasant” work. (Takes the dogs’ leashes) I presume our interview is over?

Me: No way. I’m going to take questions from the audience. And so are you.

Readers, feel free to ask any question you want by Monday October 13 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. I’m going to draw five on October 13 and make Damien answer them by October 21. Also, one lucky commenter will get a copy of Devil Falls.