Archive for 'joy of pregnancy'

Ah…The Boy

Not Coming Out

Today is my official due date, but it's already 8:00 p.m. and the Boy shows no sign of coming out.

This comes after the preterm labor scare / talk on March 8, which totally freaked me out. The doctor prescribed some medicine to prevent contractions, put me on a modified bed rest until I hit at least Week 32, and told me to relax and take it easy for the baby's sake. I couldn't even ride my bike anymore (which I liked doing from time to time to go grocery shopping or meet friends, etc.). He said if things looked worse, I'd have to be hospitalized. That totally wasn't what I wanted, so I did as he asked.

Now that I've hit the full forty weeks, the irony of the situation isn't lost on me. Hero Material told me it's because I followed the doctor's instructions well, so I shouldn't be too unhappy. Sweetly enough, he regularly rubs my back. (The PT sessions I get just aren't enough.) He even offered to rub my back last night at around 5 a.m. because I kept turning to find a comfortable position.

I can totally sympathize with women who told me they were more than ready to perform C-sections on themselves. I actually suggested that, and Hero Material said, “Umm…a kitchen knife may not be the best idea…Here, let me rub your back, how about that?”

I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow morning. Hopefully he'll tell me something good…like, “Hey, the Boy's ready to come out now!”