Archive for the 'Monthly News' Category

August 2013 Update

It's crazy how 2013 is more than half over. It's crazy…crazy I tell you!

I've been terrible about blogging. Mostly it's due to my being busy with things that required (and drained) a lot of my energy.

Recently, I've been super stressed, and I started taking phosphatidyl serine, which supposedly helps reduce cortisol (a stress hormone). I think it's helping me stay calmer than I would otherwise. It also supposedly boosts brain function, but I haven't noticed anything. However, cognitive benefits were tested on elderly people who had trouble remembering things, and I don't fit the demographic. If you want to try it, you can get a bottle from Amazon. It's not that expensive.

In July, I finished drafting one book (contemporary romance), and I'm working on another book that's tied to it (a novella). I'm hoping to release them all either December 2013 or early in 2014. It's going to depend purely on the editorial schedule and how healthy The Boy is for the rest of the year.

And just for fun — and I haven't done any self-improvement that's mentally stimulating in a while — I've decided to study Photoshop on my own. I have a few books on it, and why the heck not? I only did one unit so far, and I've already learned so much. (BTW – one of the books was written and published by Adobe, which called Photoshop “intuitive.” *snort*)

On the reading front, I just devoured Ilona Andrews's Magic Rises. It's my favorite Kate Daniels novel now. :) Really loved it.

The plan is to finish the novella this month and start revising the novel I wrote in July.

I hope everyone's doing well, and have a great August.

Writing Updates and Life Up Until May

Okay, mea culpa: I have totally neglected my monthly updates. I've had a bushel-basket of crazy real life crises and so on that totally drained all my energy.

My house in America had a water leak right before Christmas. The repairs were supposed to take 3 weeks. They finally ended in mid-April. The flooring had to be redone 2-3 times due to unimaginably bad workmanship by the crew. I can't even count the number of times the drywall had to be looked at again. It was a big challenge to manage it from Japan. I'm just glad it's over though.

The good news on the real-life front is that we moved in late January. We now have a bigger place, still river-front, and close to two big shopping centers. Sadly it's a bit far from Costco, but I'll live, esp. since I now have an actual office. :)

The new place, however, needed a new kitchen. The previous owner ripped out all the cabinet doors. I have no idea why. No, the doors weren't rotted or anything. And the stove didn't work quite right, and the fish oven/grill was really gross with rust all up inside it. Thankfully, ripping out the old kitchen and putting a new one in was done on time, with no major problems and very minimal supervision. The biggest angst we had with this particular job was deciding on the color of the new flooring.

Then The Boy got the chickenpox—he's okay now—and had some misadventures.

So since I had all these crises and issues, I didn't get to do any serious writing from January until late March. I didn't start writing again until late March, and very slowly, too.

The good news is that the sequel to Carnal Secrets—featuring Ethan and Kerri—are with a couple of betas. I've also outlined the 3rd book in the series featuring Ethan's younger brother, Gavin, so hopefully I'll be able to finish the first draft by summer if not sooner.

I'm hoping to release both titles this year before Christmas. If you want to know and/or get sneak previews, sign up for my newsletter below:

Hope everyone has a lovely May.

How I Plan to Spend 2013 (Writing-Wise)


Happy New Year, everyone!

I hope your 2012 ended on a lovely note, and you're all ready for another productive and exciting year. I'm planning to do some serious work this year, mostly on improving my process. Looking back on the hours and time I spent on my projects, it's obvious that my process for drafting and revision is flawed and extremely inefficient.

This basically means I need to think about how I can write more efficiently. That won't always involve my sitting in front of a computer and typing away. Sometimes planning may be more important (and more time-consuming) than the actual drafting itself. But that's okay if it results in a cleaner and better first draft that won't require months and months of rework.

I'm hoping to have four books written, including the current WIP plus an Ever After novella. My family and I are also moving in January, but hopefully it won't suck up too much time, though I'm definitely budgeting at least 2 weeks of non-writing time for the big move, getting things cleaned up, etc.

What is your Number One Professional / Career Goal for 2013?

New Release and Special Sale: One Kiss

One Kiss is out worldwide! As I mentioned in August, it's a story about the frog prince who was hopeful about his prospects at the end of A Happily Ever After.

One Kiss (Ever After Book 2)

ONE KISS (Ever After 2) by Nadia LeeHe is a legend…

Robert is a royal prince cursed into his current predicament: remain a frog until he can get someone to kiss him…willingly. After years of searching, he finally finds a suitable royal princess.

She is but a humble maid…

Practical maid to the royal princess, Molly promises to help Robert in return for gold enough to fund her retirement. She doesn't want to waste her youth waiting on someone as capricious and shallow as the princess, but has no choice for the moment.

But love knows no boundaries…

Unexpected problems unravel Robert's plan. The princess thinks frogs are disgusting, and his evil cousin shows up to steal both the princess and the throne that rightfully belongs to Robert. To compound matters, all he can think about is the quick-witted Molly.

But to undo the curse and inherit the throne, Robert must have a kiss from a royal princess and marry her.

What's a cursed prince to do?

Based on The Frog Prince.

Warning: This title contains the following: Fairy Godmother, a killer punt, porcupines of evil, the Wicked Witch's justice and a happily ever after (or two).


Molly held a giant tri-colored parasol, balancing it carefully. Princess Serenia was particular about her complexion, and it somehow fell to Molly to keep it pristine.

If the princess was that concerned, she should've stayed indoors. But no. She wanted the exercise, a leisurely walk through the royal garden late every morning, to ensure that she remained fit and trim. How moving at a pace even the slowest snail could match improved her constitution, Molly did not know. But anything brisker might have made the princess sweat, and heaven forbid she should perspire like a common farmhand.

“Hold it straighter,” Princess Serenia ordered. “I'll have your head if I get even a hint of freckles on my face.”

Molly gritted her teeth, while pulling her lips away in what she hoped was a subservient smile. “Yes, Your Royal Highness.” She adjusted the parasol. Her shoulders protested, the muscles burning.

“I know people don't always understand what it's like to be me…the princess, I mean.”

“Naturally not, Your Royal Highness.” Most people didn't have servants who waited on them, more food than they could possibly eat, or rooms full of silk and jewels. No, most people toiled away every day, from sunup to sundown, providing for themselves and the families that depended on them. “How could they possibly understand the hardship of being a royal princess?”

“Exactly! I wish…” Serenia frowned, looking down in a good imitation of thoughtfulness. It was something she did often, but Molly had never heard her utter a single insightful comment. “It's too bad Prince John couldn't join us.”

“He is tired from his travels.”

“Yes. He did say that.” The princess's scowl deepened.

With an inward sigh, Molly made a mental note to slather more facial butter on Princess Serenia's forehead. Preventing wrinkles was Molly's responsibility as well.

They had walked a bit further when suddenly Princess Serenia let out a piercing scream.

Molly winced. “Your Royal Highness?”

“Oh my, my! Oh my!” Princess Serenia hopped about, the trio of pink ribbons in her hair bouncing madly.

Molly shuffled back and forth quickly to ensure the parasol kept the sun off the princess. “What's the matter?”

“A giant frog!” The princess grabbed Molly's wrist and moved over to a tree away from the spot. “Kill it. You must kill it!”

“Your Royal Highness, what about your complexion?” Molly was rather fond of her head.

“Well…” Princess Serenia sighed. “This tree will shade me, so I think you can go. Crush that vile frog dead, then throw it away. I don't want to see it ever again.”

“I understand.”

“Make sure not to leave any disgusting frog blood either. Or…body bits.” Princess Serenia put a dainty hand to her mouth. “Oh, I do believe I'm going to throw up.”

“Please don't.” The last duty she needed was getting stains out of the princess's favorite pink dress. Keeping her garments pristine too was Molly's responsibility.

As a matter of fact, everything was Molly's responsibility. And she had to do all of it well to earn the meager wage Princess Serenia deigned to pay each month. Otherwise Molly would lose her small cottage outside the city, and her mother would starve.

Molly approached the spot where the princess had seen this “giant frog.” She looked around, but there was nothing unusual. Had it run away already? If she were the frog, she would've fled the second the princess began screeching.

Something caught her peripheral vision. She turned and saw a green frog resting on a rock.

She sighed. Given the princess's hysteria, she'd thought it would be a large and ugly toad. But this frog was small enough to sit on her palm, and it wasn't even of the poisonous variety. Stomping on it would constitute nothing more than cruelty, and Molly didn't want to be mean to the frog. It wasn't the poor thing's fault Princess Serenia hated amphibians.

“You, help me!”

Molly blinked and looked around, wondering where the sudden and imperious male voice had come from. It was baritone, dark and rich. Definitely not anybody she was familiar with. She knew all the voices of the high lords and their sycophants. None of them had one this authoritative… or alluring.

“Down here!”

She dropped her gaze. The frog hopped twice. She leaned closer and saw a small golden crown perched on its head.

Hmm. Most unusual.

A hazy outline formed around the frog. She narrowed her eyes and focused. Ah there. A man's shape. A handsome face with a sharply carved nose and cheekbones. A plump sensual mouth that softened the harshness of a strong jaw. And dark brown eyes that reminded her of a caramel and chocolate treat she'd once purloined from Princess Serenia's many coffers of candy. It had tasted exquisite.

But not as much as this frog's beautiful human face.

Molly straightened. Beautiful or not, he was clearly some cursed thing. Not her problem. The world was full of hexed men and women, and she wasn't the sort to undo spells. She was far too practical—and not pretty or highborn enough—for that kind of thing.

She picked him up and looked behind her. Princess Serenia was still under the tree, her face turned away.

Molly drew her arm back, aiming for the field beyond the large pine tree. The frog would fly over the wall and land on a soft grassy area on the other side. It might stun him, but it wouldn't kill him.

“No! No!” the frog yelled. “Help me and I'll reward you.”

“That's what they all say,” she muttered.

“I am not ‘they,' whoever ‘they' are. I am rich and will give you many gold coins.”

She put her face close to his. “You're just a frog.” One who apparently had been foolish enough to anger the Wicked Witch. Everyone knew not to cross Fairy Godmother's sister. “Where are you going to get these coins?”

“I am not just a frog.” He made a face. The eyes were rather expressive. What had he done to earn the Wicked Witch's displeasure? “I am a royal prince, and I have the money and treasures commensurate with my rank.”

She gazed at him skeptically. ” ‘Commensurate', is it? The highborn do like their flowery words. But pray be a bit more precise for this poor country girl.”

“A hundred gold coins!”

Her mouth formed an O on its own volition. A hundred? This frog was desperate. She might have taken him up on it, if it weren't for what had happened earlier with Prince John.

“A thousand,” she countered.

A thousand?!

“If it's not even worth a thousand gold coins to you, it can't be that important.” She pulled her arm back again.

“Very well! A thousand it is.”

“And you're to pay me half now and the rest after one week. I'll not play your errand girl for life.”

“That's outlandish! How do I know you aren't going to run away with my money without fulfilling your end of the deal?”

“Oh yes. Much easier to believe that a wretched frog will shower me with coins of gold.”

“I am not just a frog! I'm a prince. Prince Robert of Lustrea.”

She shrugged. “Never heard of you.” Actually, she had guessed his rank from the crown he wore, but she didn't want him to know she could see through his curse. “Anyway, the princess pays me to do things for her, for example getting rid of frogs such as yourself. So why would I work for you without payment?”

“All right! I accept your terms.”

“Swear it.”

He looked like he'd swallowed a particularly unsavory insect. “I swear it, on my honor.”

Molly managed not to scoff at the idea of “honor” from the frog. She hadn't seen any evidence that such a thing existed among the royals, if he was indeed one. He probably didn't even know what the word meant. “Go to the basement of the northern wing. My room is the second one on the right from the main entrance. You can't miss it. I'll tie a green ribbon on the latch. And bring the money in five small bags.”

* * *

To celebrate One Kiss‘s release, I'm putting it on sale for $0.99 until November 11. (It's $1.02 at All Romance eBooks because of the way discounting works there.)

All Romance eBooks
Amazon US
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Kobo Books
Smashwords (coupon code: MK42Y for 66% off)

For those of you who haven't read A Happily Ever After of Her Own, One Kiss can be enjoyed as a standalone story. So I hope you take advantage of the sale before it expires on November 11. And feel free to forward this post to your friends who you think might enjoy One Kiss.

Thank you for your support! I really appreciate it!

Ashwyn on Sale (for a limited time only)

Ashwyn: Cinderella Retold with an Erotic Twist by Nadia LeeI recently made Destiny Entwined free on multiple retailers. At the end of the story is a chapter-long excerpt from Ashwyn, and to say thank you to everyone who went out and got Destiny Entwined, I decided to put Ashwyn on sale for a limited time. It's currently 66% off at the retailers listed below. (Sadly the others take longer to reflect the price change.)

All Romance eBooks
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Amazon FR
Amazon ES
Amazon IT
Apple iBooks US
Apple iBooks UK
Apple iBooks Canada
Apple iBooks AU
Barnes & Noble
Diesel eBooks
Kobo Books

P.S. Those of you interested in getting Destiny Entwined for free, you can get the links from here.

Ashwyn: Cinderella Retold with an Erotic Twist Is Out!

My erotic retelling of Cinderella, Ashwyn, is out today. This is very exciting to me personally, since I love the original Cinderella. It's probably one of the most enduring and popular fairy tales, not just in western culture, but in eastern as well. My version also has a small dose of Scheherazade in it, and one of the pieces of music I listened to while writing it is Scheherazade by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. :-)

Ashwyn: Cinderella Retold with an Erotic Twist

Ashwyn: Cinderella Retold with an Erotic Twist by Nadia LeeA long time ago, an evil witch cast a spell on the beautiful Ashwyn, creating a Shroud that made her not only virtually invisible but utterly forgettable as well. She needs a champion to break this curse. But it isn't easy to find a man who is strong enough to both give her carnal pleasure and see through the Shroud to remember their time together the morning after.

She's almost given up hope until the Prince of the Realm shows up at her keep. Not only does his mere presence make her skin tingle, but he doesn't seem to want to leave.

Can he be the one she's been waiting for?

Length: Novella

You can buy it from the following retailers.

All Romance eBooks
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Barnes & NobleDiesel eBooks
iBooks US
iBooks UK
iBooks Canada
iBooks AU

Kobo Books


When night descended and the full moon rose to the pinnacle of the heavens, the day's festivities died away. Ashwyn rolled her shoulders, aching from long hours of working in the pit. She didn't usually have to bury, dig up, turn and then rebury so many glazed chickens and ducks, all of which were stuffed with sun-dried rosemary, thyme, sage and other spices. But then again a prince of the Realm didn't usually spend the night at her father's keep.

The poultry roasting in hot embers was a specialty of the northern region. Ashwyn's aunt Morgan was determined to outdo herself, trying to impress Prince Lucien. Now that she had a lord for her new husband and a keep full of servants to satisfy her every whim, she had only one remaining goal: to marry her daughters off to wealthy men of power. Prince Lucien certainly met the requirements.

In her cramped and dingy chamber, Ashwyn scrubbed herself with a small piece of rose-scented soap she'd filched from her cousins. Her tiny bathtub was half-full with lukewarm water that had long ago turned a dull pale gray with ashes. She wanted every fleck of them gone from her body before she presented herself to Lucien. For the last ten years she'd toiled in the pit like a slave, but she still had her pride.

After donning a royal blue dress that brought out her eyes, she moved along the dim corridors. Not many knew the secret passages, but Ashwyn's mother had given her a map before passing away. With it, Ashwyn was able to slip in and out of guest chambers unnoticed by the guards. The coldness of the stones seeped into her slippered feet, and she thought she could smell the cinders in the narrow hall.

Or was it her? Horrified at the idea, she raised her hand and sniffed it. A faint floral fragrance from the soap remained. Satisfied, she hurried on. The sooner she saw Lucien, the sooner she might be able to break the spells her aunt had cast across the vast land her father owned.

Tonight the Shroud lying over the castle felt stifling, like a blanket of hopelessness. It was Aunt Morgan's curse, brought upon Ashwyn at her mother's death. It ensured that none who saw her recognized her, and the more people who beheld her, the stronger the spell became. Getting someone alone was thus her best chance, though she had clandestinely bedded many a visiting nobleman over the past ten years and none had been able to retain the memory of her the following day. If Lucien could free his mind and vision from the Shroud, he could be the one to help her break the unnatural hold her aunt had over the keep and its people.

So though she was afraid he might turn out to be another disappointment, she had to try.

The door to Lucien's chamber gave at a slight push. The hinge didn't even creak.

The chamber was the largest and most sumptuously appointed one in the entire keep. Nothing less would do for the prince. A thick and intricately patterned carpet covered the stone floor. The scent of ripe apples was so heavy in the room, Ashwyn imagined she could taste their sweet juice. A low fire crackled in the hearth, its light dancing with the shadows.

Ashwyn crept toward him. He must've been very tired, for he lay under the crimson silk sheet, his chest quietly rising and falling. He'd been fighting off bandits along the northern border earlier that day.

Are you the one?

So many men had passed through her father's keep, many of them peers or royalty. Most were men of valor as well. With no prying eyes around, they'd seen through the Shroud easily enough when she appeared in their chambers. The blue dress she always wore on the first night stoked their desire, for it bore an enchantment to arouse men. So they'd loved her with enthusiasm. But the next day, surrounded by the press of castle life, they'd been unable to recognize her.

Is it worth the disappointment?

Her true champion would not only see through the Shroud and desire her, but he would also cherish the memory of her, refusing to leave until the curse was broken. But so far, none had proven able. Her heart crumpled every time a man she'd longed to be her champion turned an unrecognizing eye toward her in the presence of others. As though that weren't enough, she experienced a virgin's pain every time she lay with a new man—part of her aunt's curse—though it had to be said that they always soothed her and gave her pleasure before the night was over.

She took her own wrist and dug fingernails into it, leaving small half-moons in the skin. The pain centered her. She couldn't give up. It wasn't just about her. Father was married to Aunt Morgan. How the woman had managed to lure Father into wedlock was a mystery, but she was a powerful witch. A curse must be clouding Father's faculties.

The firelight turned Lucien's hair to a coppery gold hue. Ashwyn stood by his bed and took a couple of deep breaths, gathering her courage. He smelled like fresh pine and the crisp northern wind. It reminded her of a happier time, when she'd been the beloved daughter of the keep's lord. She'd met Lucien, a mere boy back then, and he'd been so courtly and kind, not only to her but to everyone, regardless of rank or wealth. But now there was another scent underneath—a clean masculine musk that turned her mouth dry and made her lips tingle.

She leaned down. Her curls spilled over her shoulder and brushed his strong chiseled face. Lucien's eyelashes flickered, then suddenly swept upward. Brilliant green eyes stared at her, their pupils dark pools. They seemed to call out to her soul…

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Coming up next is the sequel to A Happily Ever After of Her Own. More of a traditional fractured fairy tale than A Happily Ever After of Her Own, the story features the frog prince who was very hopeful about his prospects at the end of Melinda and the Beast's adventure. It's tentatively scheduled for this winter. (Writing with a 13 month-old boy is lot more challenging than I expected.)

Thank you and I hope you enjoy Ashwyn.

Have a lovely August!