Archive for 'Reunited in Love'



Vengeful in Love – FREE!
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Reunited in Love – Only $2.99
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Redemption in Love – Only $2.99
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Sweet in Love – Only $0.99
Amazon US :: Amazon UK :: Apple :: Barnes & Noble

Forever in Love – Only $3.99
Amazon US :: Amazon UK :: Apple :: Barnes & Noble

My Publishing Journey

journeyI've been debating for awhile about whether to write about this topic. It seems a bit…pretentious to write about my journey. OTOH, a lot people have expressed an interest, so I figured I'd go ahead and put it out there. :)

I quit my corporate job in 2004 to write. The job paid well, and it was interesting work (up to a point) but it simply wasn't good for me mentally. (I was basically an ax-man for a large corporation—paid to go in and lay people off.) My parents were horrified, of course. Mom told me, quote, “You're too smart to be a writer.”

In 2004 publishing was all about NY deals because there was no viable ebook market, not the way there is now. I think there were publishers like Elora’s Cave that sold PDF copies, but super-sexy erotic romance wasn't something I could write well and consistently, and I wanted a NY print deal very badly. So I tried for something that I thought New York would want.

I spent years writing category romance and later switched to urban fantasy. I did it not because I enjoyed reading urban fantasy—I'd never read in the genre—but because somebody who was mentoring me said it would be a great thing for me to write because (a) I live in Japan and I'm “surrounded by manga”, and (b) urban fantasy was hot at the time. In retrospect I think it was a mistake, and I think a bad mentor can really derail and damage your career trajectory, esp. when you're new and don't have much confidence.

Regardless, despite all that I actually got a really good agent with my urban fantasy manuscript. Unfortunately, it was 2008 (Lehman Brother went BOOM that year), and the ms didn't sell. I had a lot of good rejections, but NYC didn’t know how to market the book and no one wanted to take chances at the time.

Afterward, I floundered for a while because I really wanted to get that NY deal but didn't know what to write. I felt adrift and lost, and even though I hate to say this, watching my writing friends get NY deals didn't help. I was happy for them—they had worked so hard—but at the same time I sort of felt sorry for myself. (Self-pity is a terrible foundation for success, or even a clear direction in life. But it’s one thing to know this intellectually, and quite another not to let it get to you emotionally.)

In 2010 I got married; in 2011, our baby was born. Then in 2012, I had this really bad crisis-of-self where I wondered what I was doing with my life. Money was tight, and we wanted to move, but finding a good place wasn't easy, and both my husband and I were sick for nine full months out of 2012.

Then I decided I was just going to write what I wanted to write and see where things went. Yes, a NY print contract with a decent advance would have been super sweet, but I couldn't live my entire life waiting for someone else's approval, especially when I didn't need said approval to pursue my dream.

Besides, I had inked two e-publishing deals along the way, with two different and fairly well-respected publishers, and honestly speaking neither one worked out particularly well. I made humiliatingly small sums of money from both, and I felt very apologetic to my husband, who was super supportive, and my little boy who, within a month or two of his birth, I had to start putting aside for several hours a day so I could work on edits from the second publisher.

Since I had also published a novel (Vengeful in Love) on my own, and had made far more money with it by uploading it to Amazon and other platforms myself, I decided to write a sequel using a couple of the supporting characters as the leads. So in the midst of buying a place of our own in 2012 and moving in early 2013, I started to write a contemporary romance novel, which became Reunited in Love. I'm not a particularly fast writer, so I sat on that manuscript and wrote another, which was Redemption in Love. Then I wrote another (Sweet in Love), storing them all up and making plans for two more books as well. I did this specifically so that I could create a series using characters that were related in some way, stories that were somewhat inter-connected, and release them back-to-back very quickly. I had heard from so many people that readers really like this, so I wanted to try it.

Let me tell you, it was not easy to write multiple books without knowing how readers were going to react to the stories. 2013 was a very difficult year—more so than 2012—because after the move, I had to micromanage (for six months!) a general contractor in America who was doing a very bad job on some house repairs there, and deal with my insurance adjuster (who thankfully was more professional). I think I lost about 20-30 pounds that year from stress.

It wasn't until December 27, 2013 that I officially launched the Hearts on the Line series. I privately dubbed the event “Nadia's career reboot,” but I honestly had no idea what I was going to do if it bombed. I was so worried and anxious that I made myself sick on the Reunited in Love launch day and ended up in a hospital getting an IV to rehydrate my body and having multiple blood samples drawn for testing.

Thankfully the series took off in early February, and I'm so grateful for all the people who took a chance on me. I had hoped and dreamed for almost ten years that I would have a writing career, and now it finally seems to be working. I'm humbled and touched by the support I've received from my fans, fellow writers, family and friends.

June Update

Happy June, everyone!

A few people asked me what I’m going to be up to for the rest of the year. I think some people are wondering how much they’ll have to wait to get more books from me, especially after getting a book a month from December till March.

I honestly can't write one book a month. Most of the ones in that spurt were books I'd written in 2013.

Still…I'm writing as fast as I can, while trying to avoid burnout. So here are some tentative (very tentative!) release dates for the rest of the year:

Summer — probably around August — Four Weeks Till Forever (The Pryce Family, Book 1) — Mark Pryce & Hilary Rosenberg's romance

Late Fall / Winter — Merry in Love (Hearts on the Line, Book 6) — Meredith Lloyd & Daniel Aylster's romance

Winter — I don't know if it's going to be in December 2014 or early 2015, but the second book in the Pryce Family series will be released. No title yet.

Currently Four Weeks Till Forever is in the line editing stage, and I'm drafting Merry in Love. If everything goes according to plan, I'll send Merry in Love to my editor sometime in mid-June, take a week off to refill my well, and go straight to editing Merry in Love and outlining the second Pryce Family novel.

BTW — If you have any suggestions for, or something you’d like to see in, my books, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Another BTW — Merry in Love is going to be a holiday romance, which means a lot of previous couples are going to show up again (Alex & Natalie, Ethan & Kerri, Gavin & Amandine, Blaine & Catherine). If you have questions about their post-HEA lives, let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. (For example, a reader asked me via Facebook if Catherine's going to have a baby of her own. That question will be answered in Merry in Love.)

Thanks for reading! :)

Cover Updates: Vengeful in Love and Reunited in Love

Vengeful in Love by Nadia Lee

Reunited in Love by Nadia Lee

What do you think?

Ask Nadia: How do you choose titles?

Very badly!

I generally don’t have a title when I start writing. My poor cover artist! I don't know until I'm done with dev edits…or maybe in some cases until I'm done with line edits. The only book I had a title from the very beginning is Merry in Love (Meredith Lloyd's story — coming this winter), partly because it's so easy to have a little fun with the “in Love” pattern for the Hearts on the Line books, and Merry is a short form of Meredith…and the book is a holiday romance.

So…some of the tidbits about my titles. :)

Vengeful in Love was originally entitled Carnal Secrets.

Reunited in Love‘s working title was Temporarily in Love (I told you I suck at this…!).

Redemption in Love‘s working title was Anything But Divorce (I know… :sigh:)

Thankfully I have a great team of people helping me, so the final title usually isn't too terrible. :)

Ask Nadia: So when will we find out…?

So when will we find out:

  • who's been embezzling the TLD money
  • how Kerri's getting along with her family
  • when Ethan and Kerri are getting married
  • about Amandine and Gavin's married life
  • and their baby
  • etc?

I get asked this a lot via PM, email or comments. So I decided to make a simple chart:

Book 1. Vengeful in Love (Alex Damon & Natalie Hall's romance)
  • Ethan Lloyd and Kerri Wilson are introduced.
Book 2. Reunited in Love (Ethan Lloyd & Kerri Wilson's romance)
  • The Lloyd family is introduced.
  • Ethan's family's business, The Lloyds Development, is doing poorly. Somebody's most likely embezzling funds too.
Book 3: Redemption in Love (Gavin Lloyd & Amandine Monroe Lloyd's romance)
  • Redemption in Love begins before and ends after Reunited in Love in terms of timeframe. So you get a hint of Ethan and Kerri's being together and happy toward the very end when he visits Gavin.
  • Mark Pryce is introduced.
Book 4: Sweet in Love (Pete Monroe & Brooke de Lorenzo)
  • A bit more about Amandine's pregnancy and how Gavin's coping with it.
Book 5: Forever in Love (Blaine Davis & Catherine Fairchild)
  • The identity of the embezzler is revealed.
  • Kerri and Ethan get married.
  • Kerri's grandfather Barron Sterling makes an appearance (or two).

All the books are fine as standalone novels. Yes, there are some plot threads that don't always get resolved (like the embezzler thread that spanned four books), but there is no cliffhanger that makes you wonder, “Will they or won't they stay together?”

I think you'll enjoy it more if you read them in order, but it's not necessary. I hope this helps. :)